Boobtastic Dream Come True: Disney Princesses Re-Imagined as Hot, Sexy Babes

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bill-swift - July 5, 2013

Disney's princesses could be hot, if they weren't too uptight and all covered up. Based on that criteria, Jasmine would have to be every guy's favorite princess, if only she showed more of her boobage and maybe lost the harem pants.

Granting every guy's biggest wish to see the Disney chicks get disrobed is artist and photographer Mike Roshuk. He commissioned a bunch of sexy models (most of whom resemble the actual Disney princess they're supposed to be) and transformed them into sex-tastic versions of the princesses using photo-editing software.

Check out the gallery for the full series of the smokin' hot Disney princesses!

After seeing this, you'll have to agree that the princesses shouldn't dress or look any other way. Select prints can be purchased on Mike's  website.

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