Billionaire Barbie Drops Some Heiress Stank-Eye on Fellow Heiress Petra Ecclestone Wedding

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bill-swift - August 30, 2011

Ruh-roh. A blonde heiress getting married requires Billionaire Barbie to investigate!

So, off to Rome goes Paris, to hit the Petra Ecclestone multi-million dollar wedding to some shlumph who agreed to a super-binding pre-nup written in blood; and quite a Tiberian shindig indeed. While blonde heiress Ecclestone could not commit the social faux pas of uninviting her American counterpart, you can bet there was some profound mind-games going on between these two brain-churning blondes.

(Meanwhile, from across the pond, Petra ordered workers at her newly purchased 'most expensive home in the U.S.' , a.k.a., The Spelling Mansion, to rip out everything in the bazillion room home that was ever picked out or decorated or installed by Candy Spelling. So, there is some reason to like this new bride, I mean, beside just being very rich and pretty hot.)

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