Bella Thorne Flashes Legs On the Birthday Party Red Carpet

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bill-swift - October 29, 2014

Well, Taylor Spreitler certainly had a different 21st birthday party than I did. I only vaguely remember a bottle of Jager and something moving in tassels, Taylor had a red carpet Hollywood blowout complete with invited starlet guests including Bella Thorne who as the toast of young Tinsel Town arrived in a black cocktail dress showing off the legs that will eventually become a bigger and bigger part of her acting repertoire. She is definitely a red carpet camera thief.

I can't go back and relive my big growing up birthdays, but if I could, I'd probably want to invite more girls like Bella Thorne to my shindigs and less girls like my friends cousins who got tricked into showing up. Such is the life of celebrity. You definitely get better looking girls at your party. Bella Thorne, you are coming along quite nicely. Enjoy.

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