Bella Thorne Disney Starlet Baller

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bill-swift - April 11, 2013

We did cut out pictures of her boyfriend from this set, as is our custom. But the Disney machine continuing their effort to put Bella Thorne everywhere in a specially tailored outfit, pushed the starlet out onto the basketball courts of L.A. for some dribbling, shooting, and snapping of the paparazzi cameras alerted to her whereabouts.

It's not that we don't want our ingenues to have their lovable play time, it's just that Bella traded hers in long ago for the ride she's now on with agents and managers and press relations representatives and marketing executives and stage mom and actor boyfriend and wardrobe assistants and makeup artists and everything that goes into the entourage of the rising star that is Bella Thorne. These things do not happen by accident. Bella has been chosen by Disney. And the ride is already well underway.

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