Awesome Mod: NES Zapper Turned Into a Real Laser Gun (VIDEO)

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bill-swift - September 26, 2012

Warning: Don't try this at home (unless you know what you're doing.)

We're serious, because things could go horribly burnt. Or you could totally end up with a kick ass NES Laser Zapper, but chances are you'll get a couple of shocks and burns along the way. But really, leave hardcore modding like this to the pros.

You won't be able to go duck hunting anymore (and remember to let everyone in the house know if you don't want to end up with a hole on your flat screen!) but you will be able to zap stuff up at will. But keep in mind that this baby's output is at least 2W so handle it carefully.

A guide to building your own laser zapper and step-by-step images can be found hereif you're up to the challenge of building your own. If you do, don't forget to send a message so we can let everyone else know about your mad mod skills!

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