‘Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag’ Takes Some Mocktastic to the Face from Honest Trailers (VIDEO)

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bill-swift - April 22, 2014

Where in holy balls did all of these effing pirates come from? That was the question when we first clapped our eyes, ears and bodily orifices on Black Flag. Fans will have noticed a distinct lack of swashbuckling and/or Blackbeard in previous installments, but apparently Ubisoft got a sudden hankering for that whole motif.

For the most part, it paid dividends. The liberating freeroam-y goodness this brought to the game rivaled the similarly huge Grand Theft Auto V. The critical acclaim it received was on a par with Rockstar's mega-epic as well. But hey, Smosh Games and their Honest Game Trailers don't care. Nothing stops them from getting their piss-takery on.

And so, check out their latest clip above. We wonder whether it's Oobi-soft or Yoobi-soft, why it still isn't set in Feudal Japan and why the loading screen is so depressing. We enjoy some hairy-faced bastards' sea shanties, and have a quick ogle at Tits McGee.

It's a good damn time all around.

Via Kotaku.

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