Ariana Grande’s Meltdown Now Includes Big Miyazaki Tattoo

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Sam Robeson - August 31, 2018


Does anyone think tattoos make a girl hotter? Just one person please speak up and legitimize the tattoo industry, because as it stands, we only hear negative feedback on tattoos on famous chicks. Too many tattoos either makes a chick look like a pansexual lifelong barista or a neo-nazi, and only time will tell which category Ariana Grande will be sorted into in a decade. Grande recently debuted a tattoo inspired by the Miyazaki movie Spirited Away. Oh, that answers it. Pansexual lifelong barista.

Grande's current psychotic breakdown includes a lot of fucked up things that can be rectified fairly easily, such as getting engaged to ugly ass son of a bitch vampire Pete Davidson, but a big tattoo with a meaning that even a self-harming tween Slenderman-worshiping Tumblr girl would find vapid is much more permanent. Here's Grande's statement about her tattoo of Chihiro - the main character in Spirited Away:

Chihiro's growth into a capable individual is a core factor to the movement of Spirited Away's plot. During her adventure in the Spirit World, she matures from an easily-scared girl with a child-like personality to match her age to a hard-working, responsible, and brave young girl who has learned to put her fears aside for those she cares for. To protect her friends and rescue her parents from a spell that has turned them into livestock, Chihiro sheds her former personality and adapts to her environment to become a courageous, quick-witted and reliable girl.

This is honestly embarrassing. Grande should stick to things she knows, like getting fucked by huge diseased vampire dicks. Spirited Away isn't even an obscure reference. She might as well have gotten a tattoo of Polly Pocket with a blown out vagina. Then at least I could see the relevance.


Photo Credit: Instagram

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