Not Quite Sienna Miller and Hayden Christensen

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bill-swift - February 1, 2006

Um, okay, so that post I did yesterday... You know, the one about Sienna Miller and Hayden Christensen kissing... Well, it turns out, that's not Sienna Miller in those pictures. It is actually Hayden's real-life girlfriend, Lola Skye. Admittedly, I didn't look as closely as I should have, at those pictures, but they're small, and you can't really even see the girl's face in them. Anyway, it's true. I made an ass out of umption.

But, I did get this super-secret, ultra-anonymous tip from a totally awesome insider:

I worked on the set and I've been to the party, and his girlfriend was there. I dont know why people keep saying they're dating but hayden and sienna have been really close friends. His girlfriend still visits the set every now and then when we worked on it. And in those new pics where they're kissing, she was at the airport leaving and they were saying goodbye.

Sienna is having major trouble with Jude (but I'm still not 100% positive if that's over), and she's been crying on set a whole lot (you can see she was crying in one of the party pics), and Hayden has been a good friend. They're inseparable, but not together.

So we're back to the "Are they? Aren't They" thing again. To which you might say "Hey man, you just got served! Let it go. They're not together." To which I respond: Absence of proof is not proof of absence. Nobody said Hayden Christensen isn't cheating on his girlfriend with Sienna Miller. Ah Ha! All we know for sure is, they're not together officially.

But I will cling, however unrealistically, to the thought that they are together. Is it because I secretly want them to be together? No. Is it because the only way I know how to live my life is vicariously throught the lives of celebrities? Maybe. Is it because these kinds of stories get good internet traffic?

Anyway, that's the sitch so far. Updates will follow, even if it's just me saying I got it wrong again.

Update: 13/03/06 - Sienna Miller and Hayden Christensen Kiss... For Real This Time

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