Alabama ‘Can Be Beat’ According to 51-Point Underdog Florida Atlantic’s Defensive End

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Michael Garcia - September 20, 2012

Alabama takes on Florida Atlantic this weekend. Alabama is a 51-point favorite over Florida Atlantic. Florida Atlantic was 1-11 last year and is 1-2 so far this season. So what does FAU defensive end Cory Henry (pictured above losing 56-20 to Georgia last Saturday) think of Alabama?

"They ain't what people think," Henry said. "They're good and everything but they can beat, too. They just execute well. They just execute and beat you."

Well, yeah, they execute and beat the crap out of people. Can Alabama be beaten? Of course. Will they this weekend? Not a chance.

I have no problem with players being confident, but come on Henry. He wasn't finished shooting his mouth off, even though he should have been. College football fans are aware of how much the speed of the SEC is talked about. Players in that conference are freaking fast. But wait, because according to Henry, so is FAU.

"We got speed against them," he said. "You got speed you can win."

Good grief, man. FAU has won exactly one game against an FBS school. One. They got smoked by 36 by Georgia just days ago, and now this guy wants to say they have a shot against the top ranked team in the nation? This game could get ugly.

Palm Beach Post via The Big Lead

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