SJ - July 12, 2022
The Zach Wilson allegations that he slept with his mom's best friend still has the internet buzzing. The buzz has gone from the initial circulation of the story, to the meme phase, and now it's in the trying to figure out who Lisa Wilson's best friend phase.
A picture from Lisa's birthday party has Twitter trying to find out who the alleged cougar is. The only problem is she apparently has a ton of friends and finding the BFF might be a little more difficult than originally thought.
Which one though?
— Mike (@muh_monsoor) July 11, 2022
The difficulty didn't stop Twitter from trying. They went ahead and tried to figure out who the Jets quarterback allegedly hooked up with. And it's pure entertainment.
Bottom right in red shirt would be a good choice
— Tiell (@JTKeeper1) July 11, 2022
All of them
— Vin_____ (@VinnieGella_) July 11, 2022
— Travis (@Texas_Travis) July 11, 2022
I would say any of these 3, because if it’s his mother’s best friend then she must be around her
— Pelon
(@peloncito914) July 11, 2022
Row 2 third from the right in the peach. Has that class with a side of sass … probably dressed up as a teacher and also has a Strategically placed leopard wallet.
— Bill (@BeachBum33770) July 12, 2022
Not a question of which one. It's how many he clear dawg!
— NM_Alien (@NM_Carbon1814) July 11, 2022
Some good options here.
— Jeremy (@imjeremytho) July 11, 2022
There's nothing better than when the internet does what the internet does. Nothing was solved, but we were entertained. My guess is that it's only a matter of time before we find out which one is her best friend.
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