Rita Ora Goes Postal!

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Echo Lawrence - December 1, 2022

Rita Ora has officially beed turned into an International stamp after her home country of Kosovo surprised her with the gift on her 32nd birthday this year. The singer shared a look at the birthday gift over on Instagram, revealing the official Rita Ora postage stamp!

Rita shared a thank you over on her Instagram and also let us know that her grandfather, Albanian film and theatre director Besim Sahatciu was also given his own postage stamp last year, making this a family affair!

"I feel so grateful today. Thank you to @postakosova for special this beautiful surprise for my birthday. I have been honoured an official postal stamp (Incase you want my face on all of your Mail) in Kosovo. I’m so happy and honoured to be along my grandfather #BesimSahatciu who equally was recognised for his contribution in Art and Films. I am so sorry that Im not able to be there and receive this in person, due to work commitments, but when I can I will be sure to come and visit you and show my appreciation! Thank you! And to everyone else thank you for all my birthday wishes. I’m so lucky to have the best fans friends and family. I can’t wait to show you all what I’ve been working on. Bring on 2023! Watch this space! I love you!"

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