Emily Ratajkowski Goes Blonde!

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Echo Lawrence - June 24, 2020

Emily Ratajkowski had to find a new thing for people to talk about so that we would stop talking about how her husband uses the n-word while she’s out protesting for black lives. She’s a walking contradiction but it’s ok because she’s hot right!? So to get people talking about her looks again she went and dyed her natural dark brown hair platinum blonde.

At first I thought it was just a wig but as you can see in the photos the model really went and had her shit bleached. I personally love the dark look on her and think this blonde just makes her look like another basic blonde chick from LA, but she seems to be loving it!

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  • Sky Masterson says:

    She looks bored with herself, how am I supposed to be interested in her?

  • Rick Hunter says:

    I’m probably in the minority but I don’t like the blonde on her.

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