Lady Gaga Wants Babies!

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Echo Lawrence - April 9, 2020

Lady Gaga is the cover girl for the new issue of InStyle Magazine, she’s featured in a photoshoot out in the woods wearing bright pink dresses and weird headpieces, very Gaga.

Throughout the interview she gave us some insight on her new album:

“I made this music, and then I listened back to all of it, and it told the story of my life like a tapestry. I’m very proud of it because while it’s fun and celebratory, if you listen to those lyrics, you really will know my heart. It’s like the music is giving you permission to go on. Even if you’ve had the worst day ever, it’s OK to dance.”

She also spoke about what she sees herself doing in the future:

“Marriage. More music, more movies, more charity with the Born This Way Foundation. I want to do way more philanthropy. I want to help fund more research about fibromyalgia and neuropathic and chronic pain by putting a team of doctors together. I have a lot of dreams and hopes. What I will actually accomplish, I have no idea, but I know that I’ll be doing it with the people I love.”

She also mentioned that she’s interested in starting a family in the future, and now that she’s got a super rich boyfriend she might just start these baby making plans!

“Perhaps most important for the woman who calls herself Mother Monster is starting her own brood. “I will say I am very excited to have kids. I look forward to being a mom. Isn’t it incredible what we can do? We can hold a human inside and grow it. Then it comes out, and it’s our job to keep it alive. It’s so funny — everyone works out of my house every day. When they come in, I always say, ‘Welcome to the Womb!'”

Gaga is set to star in a new film by Gucci being directed by Ridley Scott. The film is a true crime drama about the murder of Maurizio Gucci, Gaga will be playing the part of Patrizia Reggiani - Gucci’s ex wife show as convicted of having him killed after he had an affair. A fitting role for this loud mouth Italian!

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  • vadge says:

    she spoke about ripping off madonna’s act and her music

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