Hilary Duff in a White Tank Top!

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Tex Hollywood - March 30, 2020

Hilary Duff is looking better than ever while hanging out on her front yard during self-isolation.

I don't know if it is the Coronavirus lockdown that's got her eating less and working out more. People handle stress different. I am more into overeating all the snacks, even if they are hard to get, the whole rationing thing works against my survival instinct, but other people are better at it! We all handle things differently.

It could also be that she was slated to reprise her Lizzie Mcguire role and started getting fit a while ago, but then again, maybe this is just what moms of two at 30 look like, and I'm liking it.

Maybe Covid-19 has shifted the demographic of the starlets I find hot. It's made me mature. I guess I'll have to reference some of the online courses from the self-proclaimed facebook Gurus, in some self help, some reflection and some affirmations, or I could just continue staring at Hilary Duff's white tank top.

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