Katie Holmes Gets Sexy in Silver at Glitzy Hollywood Gathering

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Mitch Jablonski - November 8, 2019

Katie Holmes has had a fairly rough new millennium, at least in terms of her personal life. First she was married off to Tom Cruise, then she spent the better part of a decade bearding for Jamie Foxx, with little to no thought about what she might want as a liberated woman. It seems, now that she's no longer tied to either actor, that what Katie really wanted to do was let her hair down, put on a silver dress, and go hang out with her friends at a glitzy Hollywood gathering.

Now, I can't speak for Katie, but I can't imagine that nearly two decades of bearding is among the more rewarding things to do in the prime of your life. Nevertheless, I'm sure she got plenty of money from Cruise and the church, and maybe she could wring some alimony out of Foxx while she's at it. That seems like the best case scenario for her after putting in all of that hard work.

Even still, it's clear that Katie Holmes is living her best life and making a splash in this silver number. One last piece of advice, Katie, you'll be 41 next month. Maybe drop the i and just go by Kate Holmes. I think that makes her sound a touch more like an adult.

Photos courtesy of Mega Agency

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