Emily Blunt and The Rock Johnson Go On a ‘Jungle Cruise’ in Debut Trailer

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brian-mcgee - October 15, 2019


There are few certainties in life but there are two things I know for sure: Disney will continue attempting to turn their theme park rides into major motion pictures until we're all dead, and if you have a movie that's set in the jungle, The Rock Johnson will more than likely be in your movie. This proves to be quite the boon for Disney as they've unveiled the debut trailer for their upcoming feature Jungle Cruise starring Disney's favorite leading lady, Emily Blunt, alongside the contractually obligated to appear in a movie set in the jungle The Rock Johnson.

Thanks to the African Queen-esque pairing of a salty sea captain and a fiercely independent woman, Disney seems to be providing us with their own version of that John Huston classic. I wonder if there will be a scene where they get covered in leeches. That always creeped me out as a kid.

To date, Disney's batting average with their big screen theme park genre is well below .500, with the 2003 Pirates of the Caribbean being the top of the heap and the same year's Haunted Mansion and 2002's Country Bears both being unwatchable disasters. Hopefully they've shaken off the cobwebs and delivered something decently entertaining and watchable during their 16 year hiatus.

Jungle Cruise sails into theaters on July 24, 2020.

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