January Jones Wants to Have Sex With Rihanna

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Lex Jurgen - March 22, 2014

Meh. It's one of those stupid questions that used to be provocative, now every girl in Hollywood has a prepared answer for it. Which other girl would you like to sleep with? Everybody used to say Mila Kunis because they could earnestly say how pretty she is, how talented, and how sweet she seems. But now that she's Eskimo Sisters with Lindsay Lohan, everybody needs a new fake lipstick lesbian partner. In an interview with Violet Grey magazine, January Jones chose Rihanna.

"I try to take risks and shock people a little bit. It's important to provoke some sort of emotion, negative or positive."

By which she means, if I mention a controversial pot smoking black woman, do you promise not to ask me if Claudia Schiffer's husband is my baby daddy anymore?

Photo Credit: Violet Grey

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