Rose McGowan Declared Herself “The Architect” Behind Harvey Weinstein Downfall

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Sam Robeson - February 1, 2018

If you first read that as "The Antichrist" then you probably thought that Rose McGowan had finally gained some self-awareness. But no, while chatting it up with Stephen Colbert on The Late Show, McGowan referred to herself as "the architect" behind the entire Harvey Weinstein scandal. This was her plan all along. Coinciding perfectly with the release of her shitty book. Hearing McGowan talk is kind of like that moment in a horror movie when someone suddenly realizes that the person they're with is the killer. They slowly back away trying to play it off like they didn't just put together the pieces. But the killer knows they know, and then stabs them in the face. And while McGowan didn't stab Stephen Colbert, he probably wishes that she had, because she's truly all kinds of crazy and insufferable during this interview, and makes you wonder if the only thing separating her and someone like Amanda Bynes is a mission statement:

Yes, I’ve had handcuffs on me, but no one else in this situation. Isn’t that grand?

Mine was a year ago, I was the architect. But I didn’t talk… I wanted them to have a voice.

Barely stringing together complete sentences has always been a great sign of mental stability. The real victims here - besides the skin cells in McGowan's face that have been mercilessly surgically coiffed into the shape of a puckered anus - are of course the actual survivors of rape with experiences that become increasingly diluted with each bombastic and attention-starved celebrity confessional. Whether or not McGowan is the architect behind the wave of abuse allegations in Hollywood, unfortunately for victims, she's signaling the demolition crews for the entire movement. At least the wrecking ball is going to come for McGowan first. I mean it already reached her face.


Photo Credit: CBS / Pacific Coast News / Splash News

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