McDonald’s Celebrates International Women’s Day, Really Gets Women

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Sam Robeson - March 8, 2018

International Women's Day is a fake holiday invented by the greeting card industry and is about celebrating all women around the world for being women. People are really touchy about the stupid commemorative day, and odds are that if you scroll through your social feeds right now you'll see at least one picture dedicated to someone's fearless mom. Spoiler, your mom's a whore. Fast food company McDonald's is seamlessly interjecting their famous logo into the conversation by flipping it upside down to turn the "M"  for "McDonald's" into a "W" for "Women." You definitely have Kelly Clarkson's attention, but the rest of the world isn't so sure that this is the best move for the company. In fact it seems like a Family Guy sketch. Here's their official statement:

In the U.S., we're proud to share that 6 out of 10 restaurant managers are women. They run the McDonald's business each and every day. So, in honor of women everywhere, we're flipping our iconic logo for International Women's Day.

See women, dreams do come true. Interestingly the symbolism takes on another layer as the flipped logo also resembles sagging tits. McDonald's feminized their signs at one-hundred locations - all female-owned - and they've yet to divulge how long they will support women before turning the signs back to the original "M" for man. The normal way.

Large companies can deliberate for months on any sort of alteration of their sacred logos, and odds are a lot of people got paid a lot of money to queef up this publicity stunt. A quick Google search tells me that of the twelve people on McDonald's board of directors, only three are women. Odds are that a man sanctioned this "W" campaign, so the lesson here is that if you are a woman and you own a McDonalds, a man could at any point fuck up your sign as part of a botched marketing effort. So women, don't complain that we never do anything for you.


Photo Credit: ABC News

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