Aaron Rodgers Opens Up On The Loss Of Olivia Munn

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elliot-wolf - September 2, 2017

It's a sad day for anyone when Olivia Munn won't let you in her end zone anymore. Aaron Rodgers knows this firsthand. Dating Olivia Munn is a great way to fend off rumors of you practicing too close to just be friends naked snap counts with the center in the locker room. He's stating the relationship was severed due to an abundance of media attention and unnecessary drama. Along with her affecting his ability to focus while on the field. Which is understandable. Who can really be efficient in the pocket and focus on a receiver with a great pair of tits on the sideline to watch. This break up is clearly her fault. 

"I think there should be a separation between your public life and your personal life," he added. And in his public life, Rodgers doesn't want drama. He just wants to play football, have a Tom Selleck mustache and be allowed to date who he wants without landing on TMZ. 

I'm glad Aaron can now focus on football with the Green Bay Fudge Packer rumors behind him. He's even grown an incredible mustache to resume a level of bravery in the march to usurp Tom Brady's crown as the greatest of all time. I hope this season brings him the arm strength and precision of a whitewalker aiming at one of Khaleesi's dragons. With no Olivia Munn around and residence in Wisconsin he should be able to stay on track. I think sometimes even Wisconsin forgets that they're a state. Any area known for their cheese in the United States really doesn't have much to bring to the table. At least you guys have a decent quarterback to go with that fondue.

Photo Credit: Getty / Backgrid

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