Meet The Whisperers in New ‘Walking Dead’ Midseason 9 Promo (VIDEO)

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brian-mcgee - January 11, 2019


When you've been on the air for the better part of a decade, staying fresh is difficult for any TV show, let alone one that's as one-note as The Walking Dead. Nevertheless with both Andrew Lincoln and Lauren Cohan moving on in the first half of season 9, the remaining survivors are going to have a new threat with which to contend: The Whisperers.

No, it's not Cesar Millan and Robert Redford, but rather a group of non-zombies who routinely disguise themselves as zombies in order to move undetected through the hordes of undead. Like everything else in The Walking Dead, it's a cool concept they'll probably drive into the ground by doing too much with them. Nevertheless, this first look at their creepy ass ways is about as unsettling as anything the show has seen in some time.

In the comics they interact with all sorts of characters no longer on the show like Carl, Rick, and Maggie, so it'll be interesting to see what they do with them in light of none of those characters being on the show any longer. I'm sure they'll figure something out, but it is always nice to have a new non-zombie threat on the horizon. Keeps things as fresh as possible for this stale ass show.

The Walking Dead midseason premiere debuts on AMC February 10.

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