Sexy Standouts From The Miss Universe Prelims

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brian-mcgee - November 21, 2017

It's hard to believe it but we're only a little over two months away from crowning a new Miss Universe! That's right, the current Miss Universe's reign is nearly over and the best and brightest babes from all across the globe stunned the judges as they competed for a spot in next year's tournament at this year's prelims. 

It's difficult to know what criteria the judges use to select a new Miss Universe when the women competing represent beauty in many forms. It's got to be one of the toughest jobs in the world right up there with the guy who has to pick which turkey to pardon each Thanksgiving. Do you go for one of the scrawny ones or a plump one? How do you decide?

It's one of life's great mysteries, but I know that when the judges pick a new Miss Universe, she'll do just as well as our current Miss Universe at being a representative of the Universe at the Galactic Council of Kremulack. It's a grand event, and if we don't send our absolute finest woman in all the universe, we could be in rough shape in 2018.

Photo Credit: Splash News

Tagged in: miss universe,

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