Anne Hathaway Shines In Black and White Reveals in Elle

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bill-swift - November 6, 2014

Anne Hathaway is not much for showing off the skin. The modest to Bohemian drab real life young lady is more often draped in flowing garments than exhibiting any fleshy goodness in public, contrary to many of her more revealing film roles. Such it was a pleasant surprise to open up my women's magazines from the U.S. and abroad to discover Anne on the pages of the new Elle U.K., showing off a little something something, even if it must inevitably conform to her lightly goofy and artistic photo sensibilities.

Anne Hathaway gets a bad rap among the public at large on the personality quotient. I say bad rap because she's really not out there enough for anyone to get a decent picture of anything close to the real Anne Hathaway. While I'm the kind of guy who is first onto the diving board in his Speedo and bullhorn looking for attention, I understand that more reclusive people tend to be unfairly labeled as arrogant or smarmy or standoffish. Though some of them clearly are. I probably need to see Anne nekkid a few more times before fully forming an opinion. Enjoy.

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