Anne Hathaway Gets Downright Showy in a Bikini Cover Up Jog in Hawaii

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bill-swift - January 9, 2014

Of course, Anne Hathaway is intent on never been seen as a sex object if at all possible. She's a serious thespian and singer and married person, so she does try to cover up her skin as much as humanly possible, save for that once a year wardrobe malfunction when she shows off everything to the world. She really is hard to capture without a minimum of two to three layers of clothing on. Let's be polite and call her modest.

So, happy were we to spy Anne in a bikini, albeit covered up quite a bit, hiking fervently through the paths around the beach in Hawaii. It's not much, but we do so crush on Anne Hathaway that it seems like a lot. Or maybe just enough for some private time sweet dreams. We're hoping Anne perhaps changes her Eskimo dressing ways at some point and shows more of her glorious gifts to the world. Where there is hope, there is promise. Enjoy.

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