The Xbox One Launch Lineup, Freshly Dissected by IGN (VIDEO)

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bill-swift - November 12, 2013

Microsoft's chunky new game-box will arrive on November 22, a week after PlayStation 4. In terms of technical whatsits and doohickeys, there's little to choose between the two (even if you do happen to know what in holy hell hypervisors and teraflops are), so how do you know which side --if any-- you're on?

By perusing the launch games, for one. And the best way to do that, apparently, is to have a room full of dudes prattling about the day one lineup, with only the skimpiest amount of footage of the games themselves. Would we have it any other way? Of course we wouldn't.

Bonus points if one of said dudes has a quite magnificent beard.

So let's all be thankful to IGN's Game Scoop!, for bringing us that very thing (beard included). Take a look above, as Crimson Dragon's bizarre creatures are admired, Ryse: Son of Rome is revealed as more than the button-mashing ballache we feared, and everybody is far too enthusiastic about Powerstar Golf.

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