The Latest Trailer for ‘Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag’ Shows us the Next-Gen Difference (VIDEO)

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bill-swift - September 17, 2013

The Xbox One and PlayStation 4 hype train continues to cruise along, with smoke billowing and drunk hobos riding the rails and all that sort of business. The Internet has crapped on incessantly about the tech specs of the consoles; it's all become too much for even those of us who do give a badger's balls about teraflops. Whatever they are.

So let's not get into the wang-waving which is better contest. More broadly, we want to see just what the next generation will bring to video games. While we're being demanding, we want to see it in terms of one of our Ego-favorite franchises, Assassin's Creed, and we want to see it immediately.

Well, buckle up, gentlemen. That's exactly what awaits in this latest swashbuckling trailer for the fourth installment, Black Flag. In this clip, entitled Building a Next-Gen Open World, the game's associate producer shows us just what a little technological crotch-stuffing can do. An array of spangly new effects are showcased, which herald the arrival of a sumptuous looking and vibrant new open world experience.

Prepare for the most ocean-y ocean and weather-y weather you ever saw. Ever. It all seems to imply that if your eyes, mind and balls don't all simultaneously rupture at the magnificence of it all, you can claim a refund. Although this isn't stated outright, so don't try to hold your local games emporium to it.

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