WTF Did I Just Watch: A Compilation of Weird Japanese Commercials (VIDEO)

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bill-swift - July 19, 2013

What can you expect from the country where licking eyeballs has become a fad? A lot, and that's saying something. Japan is where you can find people dressed to the nines in the strangest threads available. It's the country where people can pay to cuddle with complete strangers for half an hour before they're kicked back to the curb, all by their lonesome.

So how do you catch the attention of the Japanese, when their lives are already so colorful? By being unusual, weird, and all kinds of strange. At least, that's what directors for ads did, because they came up with the weirdest video spots ever that usually has nothing to do with what they're supposed to sell.

The compilation was put together by Distractify. Enjoy!

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