Call of Duty Black Ops II Can’t Get Away from New Zombies Mode Trailer (VIDEO)

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bill-swift - September 27, 2012

That one before? That was just a teaser trailer for the trailer for the game mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops II called Zombies. For those of you not used to a revelation of the thing that's going to reveal what's new in a game that still doesn't come out until November, we understand your pain.

It seems the Zombies component from the last Black Ops adventure was wildly popular and for a follow up Black Ops 2 Zombies will have a full co-operative story mode set in a huge Zombie-specific map/world called Tranzit. That's the name of the mode, not the map/world. Zombies will also have a team versus team versus zombies competitive multiplayer mode, called Grief, where two human teams of four players each will have to deal with hordes of zombies.  And good old survival mode --where you just try to blast slobbering walkers and stay alive-- comes with a truckload of customization options and tweaks so you can tailor your experience more to your likings.

The story mode will focus on four specific characters working their way through areas and progressing further along a full map of locations. This is the mode that features that ubiquitous bus that's out of service. It seems taking that bus is optional and comes with its own set of risks and rewards. The bus gets you to new areas but that damn thing can be a tough place to fight with zombies crawling all over and into it. We're told that you can use other means to get around the various areas of Tranzit and forgo the bus all together but that these options have their own risks and rewards too. The development, progression and balance of the characters in Tranzit will tell the tale here. We all loved Left 4 Dead when those games were out but how much do we want a derivative of that stuffed into the side of a larger Cold War-era shooter?

Also if you don't think the work being done on Black Ops II Zombies is going to somehow find its way into upcoming Walking Dead shooter featuring Darrel and his racist brother, then you're just not paying attention to how Activision does things. There's already a crossover from the Rezurrection DLC pack for Black Ops and this Zombies mode in Black Ops 2, so Activision is nothing if not "efficient," as they might call it. I call it pimping by the book.

Grief, on the other hand, sounds very promising and innovative. The two human teams can't shoot each other; only zombies. However, as the name of the mode suggests, your team can do things against the other team that will make the zombies a bigger headache for them than they are for you. The point of Grief is to be the last human team standing and to rack up as many zombie kills, as a team, as possible. I fully expect this mode to have a scoreboard of some kind and some system of combos, kill streaks and/or multipliers to help add a layer or two of team strategy to the mix. Also as the teams are divided into Central Intelligence Agency  (CIA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) teams there might even be team specific weapons, gear or attributes. We shall see. Again, as long as I get a zombie Ronald Reagan, this thing will turn just fine.

Check out Black Ops II Zombies and let us know what you think over on Facebook.

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