Wimbledon Gets Its Hawk Back (VIDEO)

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bill-swift - July 4, 2012

As common as cell phones with video cameras are these days, and with the number of hours that people spend on the court during the Wimbledon Championships, how come there has not been a video of someone getting pooped on by a pigeon during a match?

Go ahead. Scratch your head and think about that one for a minute. Search on YouTube real quick too, if you want. There is no video of anyone getting pooped on by a pigeon during a Wimbledon tennis match. Want to know why?

It's because of Rufus. No, he is not a lonely guy with anger issues wondering why Mommy never hugged him; he is a hawk that has been trained to fly over the courts and keep the local pigeon population from redecorating.

For some odd reason, Rufus was stolen from his trainer's car late last week. Why she left him out in the car instead of bringing him inside is another mystery, but I digress.

The local authorities were all over this case once the crime was reported, but got nowhere and no ransom demands were ever made. The intense media scrutiny must have gotten to the criminals because ole Rufus was found in his cage on Wimbledon Common.

Rufus will take over his duties over Wimbledon from his backup, Hector. Later this month he'll be busy keeping the pigeons at bay for the Olympics. Eventually he'll go back to his normal station at Westminster Abbey.

Anyone else want to no more about his trainer (the red head in the video)?

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