Tim Tebow Press Conference: Biggest News Event Ever For a Backup Quarterback

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Michael Garcia - March 27, 2012

More than two-hundred members of the media showed up today for the New York Jets introduction to their new second string quarterback. Reports say there were at least thirty-five television cameras on hand as well, as the NFL franchise unveiled the dude who will backup starter Mark Sanchez.

The event was so big, the Jets were forced to hold the press conference at the team's field house, the first time the venue has ever been used for a press conference. It should be noted that playing backup QB for the Jets is a big responsibility, as Mark Sanchez did miss a game back in his rookie year, so there's no telling when the backup could be called upon.

Tim Tebow, the newest member of the Jets, told the gathered press that he expects to have a "great working relationship" with Sanchez. Most backups do try to work well with the starter, so this is a good sign that there won't be any kind of QB controversy.

Holding such a ginormous press conference to introduce a backup QB isn't that surprising. It's kind of like when the maid of honor has the first dance at a wedding, or when the NBA Finals loser has a parade through their city to celebrate.

There's no way this turns into something awkward in the Jets' clubhouse this season. Not to that finely oiled team machine.

Article by Eric Gray

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