Bunny Ranch Owner Wants To Be Senator

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esteban-esposito - July 23, 2015

Dennis Hof, the owner of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch and several other Nevada brothels, has started an exploratory committee to pursue the vacant Senate seat open in the 2016 election. 

The committee will most likely report back that he has no chance, at which point he will double down and run anyway. 

Hof's main platform is ending sex trafficking by way of legalizing prostitution. True to the game of politics, he would stand to make a gargantuan profit if this were to happen since he's the Bugsy Siegel of the hooker game. 

Legalizing prostitution makes sense. It's safer, and would bring in untold tax dollars. Still, it's not going to happen. Just because something is a good idea doesn't mean America will sign off on it. We like to marinate on our issues for fifty pointless years or so. Otherwise there wouldn't be any good stories on the news. 

Hof refers to himself as a pimp. That won't go over well in the debates. Although it's unclear if he knows what a Senator does, he will most likely make some valid points before being called a pervert and losing in a landslide. Politics are funny. No, sorry, I meant sad.

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