Jessica Simpson’s Breasts are on Display

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bill-swift - May 7, 2007

Well, it looks like Jessica Simpson liked the attention she got the last time she showed off her boobs, so she decided to bring the girls out to play again. And I think her new strategy is really a winner.

Now for all you folks out there who think it's just a fashion choice, and that Jessica Simpson is not using her breasts to get noticed, just stop and think for a second. If you were going out to an event, and had the choice of wearing a push-up bra, and an unbuttoned shirt, or not, which do you think would get the flash-bulbs going?

Or maybe Jessica just got a new stylist. If that's the case, her stylist totally deserves a raise.

More pictures of Jessica Simpson and her amazing cleavage after the jump.

Photo credit: Splash

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