Ashlee Simpson Loves Her Breasts

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bill-swift - June 15, 2006

Ashlee Simpson says the darndest things. I'm not sure exactly how the subject came up, but according to The Sun, Ashlee Simpson revealed to Marie Claire magazine that she is more than happy with the size of her breasts, and she doesn't wnat bigger ones like her sister Jessica Simpson.

Pop star Ashlee Simpson says she doesn't mind having smaller breasts than her sister Jessica.

She told Marie Claire magazine: "I love my boobs. My sister Jessica always grew up having a larger chest.

"Men love it and stare at it, but she needs to wear two sports bras to even play volleyball.

"My point is that whether you have big boobs or small boobs, there are always pros and cons."

She added: "If you have bigger you want smaller, and if you have smaller, you want bigger."

Well, for the record, I like Ashlee Simpson's breasts too. And since we're on the subject, here's a sampling of pictures to help you visualize exactly what it is we're talking about.

More Ashlee Simpson pictures after the jump. Oh, and in that 4th picture, I think you can make out a bit of nipple...

And here are some past Ashlee Simpson posts which also feature her breasts prominently displayed:

Ashlee Simpson and Her New Nose
Ashlee Simpson: Sexier than Jessica Simpson
Ashlee Simpson Sex Tape?
Ashlee Simpson Looks Like a Mop
Ashlee Simpson Pictures from Blender
Ashlee Simpson See-Through Pictures (Sort Of)
Ashlee Simpson Pictures

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