My Mutant Love

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bill-swift - June 8, 2006

Love in the time of X-Men: Are Ellen Page (Kitty Pryde) and Ben Foster (Angel) making sweet mutant love? (Thighs Wide Shut)

Scarlett Johansson really shouldn't take makeup tips from Christina Aguilera. (Hollywood Tuna)

How can you tell it's the end of the world? Well, Britney Spears going to the gym is a strong sign. (Pink is the New Blog)

Nicole Kidman doesn't realize we don't care about her upcoming wedding. (A Socialite's Life)

Jeremy Piven and Steven Dorff fight like little girls. (IDLYITW)

What do you think Britney Spears and Mandy Moore will look like in 20 years? (Popsugar)

Brangelina make sure that everyone is sick of hearing about their baby. (Just Jared)

Ryan Reynolds and Alanis Morissette are Dunzo! (DListed)

Is K-Fed jealous of the manny? (Hollywood Rag)

Who else thinks we should give Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt the nickname "Shovel"? I do. (CityRag)

Ali G as Bruno goes to Spring Break. Laughs ensue. (Popholic)

How did Courtney Love lose all that weight? She was too poor to buy food. (CelebNewsWire)

Let's just hope the new Transformers movie has better special effects than this. (CollegeHumor)

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