Mandy Moore Doesn’t Like Unlimted Orgasms

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bill-swift - April 27, 2006

Don't you just hate it when you appear on the cover of an international magazine with the title "Orgasms Unlimited" right next to your face. I know I do, and it happens to me all the time. And it seems like Mandy Moore doesn't like it much either. According to Contact Music, the squeaky-clean star is less than thrilled to be forever associated with endless orgasms.

"I'm very flattered to be on a magazine cover, but the horrifying part is my parent's have framed every magazine that I've ever been on from the beginning.

"So there's a whole wall dedicated to that and it starts off with me at 14 and 'Mandy's favourite colour is pink!' and now Cosmo and my face and 'orgasms unlimited.'

"And my dad has to take it to the framer's to get it framed. It has nothing to do with me - it's just an article (that appears in the magazine)!"

These really aren't the lives of normal people we're dealing with, are they? Of course, I haven't been on Conan O'Brien's show either, so it is a different ball game. You should probably be glad you're not a celebrity. Unless you want to appear on Egotastic!, that is.

More pictures of Mandy Moore on Conan O'Brien after the jump.

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