Keira Knightley Cares

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bill-swift - April 7, 2006

It's nice to here that some celebrities are doing more than joining cults and doing drugs. Yes, some celebrities care about other people. Some of them even care enough to give the clothes off their backs. Or something like that.

Yahoo! News reports that Keira Knightley will be donating her Vera Wang Oscar dress to the charitable organization Oxfam, to be auctioned off on eBay. The auction will help raise money for those in need in Africa.

"This is such an amazing dress and I am really pleased to be able to donate it to Oxfam," the actress said in a statement. "I have seen the TV reports on the horrendous drought in East Africa and ... I am happy to be able to do something to help."

Now, that's really smart. Not only does Keira get to do something nice for someone else, but she gets great publicity out of it too. And what better to donate, than a dress she will never, ever wear again? Smart (and nice).

More pictures of Keira Knightley in her Oscar dress after the jump.

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