Lindsay Lohan Rejected by George Clooney

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bill-swift - April 4, 2006

If it wasn't enough to have the wind literally blown up her skirt yesterday, today comes news that Lindsay Lohan was totally rejected by George Clooney. According to AZCentral, via Jossip, Lindsay tried her best to snag Clooney, but his Spidey-sense was tingling (wait a minute, George Clooney was Batman, not...).

Us Weekly says Lohan tried but failed to bag the Oscar winner recently at New York's Bungalow 8.

According to the celeb mag, the teen queen used her full bag of wiles on the actor (presumably starting with the previously sure-fire, "Hi! I'm Lindsay Lohan"). Sadly, a spy says, George wasn't biting. They left the club separately.

George Clooney is definitely a cool guy. Even though everyone in the world blogs about Lindsay Lohan being nasty, skinny, and slutty, given half a chance, they would literally jump at the chance of getting with her. Trust me... That Clooney is man enough to walk away, probably without even a second thought, ranks him way above your everyday male.

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