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bill-swift - March 28, 2006

Fergie is 31 today. Not 51. 31. That's right. (Hollywood Tuna)

And Mariah Carey is 36 today. That also doesn't seem right. (DListed)

In other Tom Cruise is a tool news, did you know that he was bugging Nicole Kidman's phone!? What a tool. (A Socialite's Life)

Marc Anthony: also a tool, in more ways than one. (Popsugar)

Um, I don't really think Justin Timberlake fits the bill as the "Rambo-type." (IDLYITW)

Farrah Fawcett is Corpse-tastic. (Hollywood Rag)

Brad Pitt gives a new meaning to the term "frequent flyer." (Just Jared)

As if Paris and Nicky weren't enough, there's a new batch of Hiltons coming. (Pink is the New Blog)

More celebrity photoshop fun. (CityRag)

Um, did Kevin Smith just call Reese Witherspoon a cunt!? Yes. Yes he did. (CelebNewsWire)

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