Paris Hilton Doesn’t Much Care

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bill-swift - March 21, 2006

For Paris Hilton, one Greek shipping heir is as good as another. First she was dating a Greek shipping heir. Then she dumped that Greek shipping heir for another Greek shipping heir. Now, she's gotten rid of the latter Greek shipping heir, in favour of the former Greek shipping heir. Makes you head hurt, doesn't it?

In plain English, the news is that Paris Hilton dumped boyfriend Stavros Niarchos for former fiance, Paris Latsis, reports The Daily Mirror.

Paris H was spotted getting cosy with Paris L - also from Greece and due to inherit a shipping fortune - at LA nightclub Privilege last weekend.

And according to our disco detective, they looked decidedly friendly.

"The two Parises spent most of the evening together, head to head and laughing in the corner," says our Stateside snitch.

"It certainly looked like they had a lot of catching up to do - they were getting pretty close and personal."

But it doesn't seem Hilts is ready for a monogamous relationship just yet. Later in the week the 25- year-old Simple Life star loudly scoped for fit men at the launch of a video game - again at the Privilege club.

She reportedly asked if US Olympic skier Jeremy Bloom was attending.

When he didn't show, she was heard saying: "Are there any hot guys here? I need a hot guy."

Paris probably just wanted an excuse to hear her name said more often, but regardless, I think she may have a harder time finding a new man nowadays, what with the her having herpes, and all.

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