Lindsay Lohan: Drugs, Drinking, and Drama

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bill-swift - March 3, 2006

I think at this point, it's safe to say that Lindsay Lohan probably isn't the best role model for today's young girls. In the span of one week, she went from hooking up with Jonathan Rhys Meyers and an Olympian, to spending the night with Wilmer Valderrama. She isn't exactly loyal to her "friends", and, apparently, she can't keep her clothes on either (though we don't mind that so much).

And now, thanks to the pictures below, we also know what she's like when she hangs out with her friends... Drugs, drinking (in the car), smoking, and giving the finger. A lot.

So, could we finally have photographic evidence of Lindsay Lohan using drugs? Well, I'm not going to say anything conclusive ('cause I really don't need a law suit right now), but that sure looks a lot like a line of cocaine on the table behind Lindsay in the first picture? Or is it maybe a joint? It's hard to tell, but I welcome your comments (after the jump). I know there is definitely a bong on the table in the second picture.

At any rate, it's good to know we can trust Lindsay's friends to post their private pictures of her on the internet. So check out these pictures of Lindsay Lohan and her friends (including Kate Moss in the third picture), plus a ton more after the jump.

       Coke/Joint?                      Bong!

            Kate Moss                   Drinking in the car!

              Plus a few classy gestures...

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