Lake Bell and Colin Farrell Share “Glory”

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bill-swift - December 13, 2005

Well, it seems that today is turning into Colin Farrell Day, here at Egotastic! In more Farrell-related news, actress Lake Bell (Surface, Boston Legal) - who you might remember from such former Egotastic! posts as "Lake Bell Strip Video from Surface" and "Lake Bell Pictures" - is in talks to play the wife Colin Farrell's character in the movie "Pride and Glory," about a family of police officers, reports Yahoo! News. This makes me happy, because I like Lake Bell. She's got gumption, and moxie, and those are rare qualities these days (mainly because those words haven't been used in over a century), but there's definitely a quality about her.

Maybe these pictures of Lake Bell (of which there are more after the jump) will help illustrate my point.

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