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bill-swift - November 8, 2005

There's no nice way to say this: Janet Jackson got fat! (A Socialite's Life)

Tom Cruise fires his publicist sister. What, wasn't he happy with his hollywood arranged marriage and pregnancy? (Defamer)

Uma Thurman is "Super" (HollywoodTuna)

Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn (that's Vaughniston, not Vinnifer) aren't looking so cozy. (Just Jared)

Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck (Hah! Garfleck is way better than Bennifer 2.0) still haven't delivered that baby. (Perez Hilton)

Dolly Parton has taken plastic surgery a step too far. (CityRag)

George Clooney is a mean drunk. (IDLYITW)

Jake Gyllenhaal replaces Kirsten Dunst with another dog. (Popsugar)

Madonna and daughter Lourdes hit the Harry Potter premiere. (HollywoodRag)

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