Why Won’t They Just Go Away!?

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bill-swift - October 19, 2005

Grrr, I say. Grrr! Everyone who doesn't want to watch a sitcom based on the freaky-gross marriage of Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore raise your hand.

Tentatively titled "30-Year-Old Grandpa," the comedy is set in Chicago rather than Hollywood, and neither of the two lead characters are entertainers. Instead, it centers on a 30-year-old nightclub owner and a fortysomething businesswoman who get married and discover they're expecting a child.

At the same time, the woman's 22-year-old unwed daughter announces she is pregnant and plans to move home to raise her baby -- turning the show's leading man into a grandfather overnight. The woman's younger daughter, who had been living with her father, decides she, too, wants to live with mom and the new stepdad.

"It becomes a very modern, messy look at an extended American family," Kutcher's producing partner, Karey Burke, told Daily Variety.

If you really need to, you can read more at Yahoo!

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