Who is Rachel Bilson Dating? Me Maybe?

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bill-swift - October 18, 2005

Anyone who's up on their celebrity relationships knows that Rachel Bilson and O.C. costar Adam Brody have been joined at the hip for quite some time now, and their exclusivity has gone pretty much unquestioned. Well, The Bosh is saying that Bilson hooked up with Zach Braff, while filming The Last Kiss this past summer in Montreal, and they have been spotted together around L.A. recently.

According to a source for Australian gossip magazine, NW, Braff and Bilson got close one evening at Los Angeles hotspot, The Dime. "She was practically sitting on his lap. She kept whispering in his ear. They kept laughing and looked like they were totally into each other," the witness said. The co-stars later left the Dime holding hands.

So what does this all mean? It means Rachel Bilson is into skinny Jewish geeks who like indie rock and Star Wars. And I'm next.

Lots more pictures after the jump.

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