He’s Dead Jim. James Doohan, Rest in Peace.

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bill-swift - July 21, 2005

At 5:30 am this morning, James Doohan, who played Star Trek's Montgomery Scott aka "Scotty", passed away from pneumonia and Alzheimer's disease at the age of 85. He will be missed by many around the world, including myself.

More at and CNN

On a more personal note, I feel strangely guilty in regards to Doohan's passing. You see, this is the second time that after prematurely claiming someone was dead, they actually died the next day.

Yesterday, I was at my parents' house talking to my father, and Star Trek (the original series) was on TV. He made a crack about the actors all being old or dead, and I said only one of them had died (referring to DeForrest Kelly, Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy). I then "corrected" myself to include James Doohan, since I thought I remembered hearing that he had passed away a few months ago. Obviously I was wrong.

The first time it happened, I was walking by Biddle's jazz club in Montreal, and I had said how it was too bad that owner, and jazz musician, Charlie Biddle had recently died. He too died the next day.

I won't be saying these things anymore.

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