Luke Skywalker In New Star Wars TV Series?

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bill-swift - April 28, 2005

Latino Review has a post up about some possible casting rumours for the new Star Wars TV series.

...someone said it's along the lines of 'Young Indiana Jones' and it could have Mark Hamill reprising his role as Luke Skywalker for several episodes...

This info comes via a Hasbro employee who's seen the contracts for the tie-in figures for the new series. He also writes:

...A Lucas Film rep told another of the guys here that they're going to be testing a mass of young actors for the roles. I'm keen myself to find out who's playing [hint] 'the original owner of the Falcon'.

Does that mean Lando Calrissian will be in the series. If so, they should get Donald Faison in the role.

Oh, and I believe that if Luke Skywalker is in the show, he'll be there as a sort of narrator character, probably telling his young Jedi students about the old days. (via FilmRot)

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