Porn Stars Kim Kardashian and Jenna Jameson Pimping Paid Nightclub Promoters

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bill-swift - January 22, 2013

Though halfway across the world, adult film actresses Kim Kardashian and Jenna Jameson held court at respective nightclub promotions, flashing cleavage, and getting paid to wave and smile and take photos with the lucky visitors.

Now, Kim Kardashian may be pregnant, but there's no way she's turning down a fat paycheck, even if it means heading to the Ivory Coast in Africa to spotlight host a big nightclub promotion. To hell with the local riots and political unrest, mommy needs to get paid for her cans!

As for Jenna Jameson, well she strode in through the backdoor at the MGM Grand in Vegas looking like a million bucks, and we will never speak ill of a woman who has given us so much happy happy fun times without even speaking.

To pimping pros doing their thing to bring home the bacon. Bless you, ambitious ladies of Hottieville. Enjoy.

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