Return to the World of Painfully Sweet Super Villains in the ‘Despicable Me 2’ Trailer (VIDEO)

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bill-swift - March 20, 2013

I think if ten years ago you'd told Eminem that his music would one day be featured in the trailer for a family-friendly animated film he would have told you...well, he would have told you something with a lot of racial epithets probably and criticized your sexuality, so let's not go there. But the trailer for Descpicable Me 2 is finally out nonetheless.

The first movie about a super-villain who turns to good came out around the same time as Megamind, an equally entertaining animated film about a super-villain who turns to good. However, in the battle between Gru vs. Megamind, Steve Carell kicked the box office ass of Will Ferrell (probably the only time in recent memory Carell was able to say his movie was successful at the box office) which is why he gets a sequel. And as a surprised fan of the first movie, you can be sure I'll be kidnapping some kids to take with me to see the second one so I don't feel creepy going by myself.

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