World’s Smallest Violin Plays as Terrence Howard Blames ‘Iron Man’ For Ruining His Career

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bill-swift - March 7, 2013

Poor Terrence Howard. He went from making $6 million a movie to only $60,000 after he was kicked out of the Iron Man sequel, having his role as Col. Jim Rhodes/War Machine recast by Don Cheadle. Boo friggin hoo, Terrence. In an interview with, while promoting his new movie Dead Man Down (which actually looks really fucking cool), the original Rhodes said that the 'Worst thing I witnessed was 'Iron Man' killing my career.'

'I chose not to fight back, not to deal with the allegations, but to continue forward and do what I had to do. I had to start all over.' Let it go, man. You made a lot of money on that first movie and then they didn't want to pay you as much for the second because let's face it, no one really cares about Rhodes. They're there to see Robert Downey Jr. and whoever the villain is. Do you think anyone is sitting around refreshing Latino Review every five seconds hoping that with each new reload it'll be the one that finally reveals who was being cast as Rhodes? No. 

And you know what? When you were first let go, you went around saying that it was amicable and that there was no controversy--despite the fact that director Jon Favreau was apparently not happy working with you and you wanted mega bucks that Marvel wasn't going to give you. That was the time to complain, not four years later when you use interviews for movies you're supposed to be promoting to bitch and whine about how not coming back for one sequel (that I guarantee would've had no effect on your career--do you think Iron Man 2 is what nabbed Cheadle a mediocre show on Showtime that no one watches?) is the reason why your career isn't that strong, and not the fact that you're kind of incredibly bland and milquetoast?

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