The Trailer for Zach Braff’s Kickstarter Movie Starring Zach Braff Is Here, and It’s Very Zach Braffy

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bill-swift - April 10, 2014

Remember when wealthy actor/director Zach Braff went on Kickstarter and asked for your money so he could direct and star in the new movie he wrote? Well, that movie is called Wish I Was Here, it's basically finished, and today Focus Features released the first trailer.

So what is it about? Well, it's more or less about about the same guy we saw in Garden State, only instead of a numbed twenty-something coming to terms with his post-modern disillusionment and the death of his mother, he's a thirty-something father full of sage-like wisdom on some sort of spiritual journey of self-discovery...dealing with impending death of his father.

Are there are some pretty significant departures from Garden State? Of course there are. For example, in Wish I Was Here, Braff gets to make out with Kate Hudson instead of Natalie Portman. That's different.

Don't worry, though. Wish I Was Here does has a soundtrack curated specifically with hipsteresque yuppies in mind, so you'll still feel like the coolest parent at your kid's soccer game.

Wish I Was Here hits theaters July 25, 2014.

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